[Error solve] Allow Hybrid Sleep Option is missing in Power Options

Hybrid Sleep saves the dram data to ssd when platform go to the S3. They prevent missing of data when platform’s battery or power is gone.

There is a situation that you cannot see Hybrid Sleep Option in Power Options. If it exists, you can find “Power Options” > “Sleep” > “Allow Hybrid Sleep” In that time you have to use those command.

Confirm available power state on platform.

powercfg /a

Turn on/off Hybrid Sleep.

powercfg -h on
powercfg -h off


  • https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/allow-hybrid-sleep-is-missing-in-power-options/23e5b379-279c-4951-9d7a-ffc1b1dbb9d7